These terms and conditions determine the rules regarding the use of our website, including all services and content offered on and through this website. Please read them carefully in order to understand your rights and obligations.
The document issued in German is legally binding. This English translation is only for the purpose of convenience.
1. User authorisation
When you access this website, Flossbach von Storch grants you revocable and non-transferable permission to use it. This applies only if you acknowledge these User Terms and Conditions and observe the restrictions they impose. You may not interfere with the operation of the site or seek to influence it in any way.
2. Important general information
The data on this website is for your information only. It does not constitute investment advice, or advice on tax or legal matters. Nor does it contain any offer, recommendation or incitement to make investment decisions of any kind, e.g. to deal in financial instruments (including shares, bonds, investment funds, certificates) or to conclude any contracts for financial services (e.g. wealth management) or to conclude any other kind of contract (e.g. Family Office agreements).
In particular, this information should not be used as a substitute for suitable investment and product-related advice. Unless expressly stated otherwise, all pricing information is non-binding.
With respect to information on investment funds, please note that the sole basis for purchase is in each case the relevant sales prospectus, including the contract terms and conditions, the latest audited annual report, and the semi-annual report, if the latter is published later than the most recent annual report. These sales documents may be obtained free of charge from the relevant investment fund company or custodian bank, from paying agents, or from Flossbach von Storch; they can also be downloaded from this website.
The same applies to other investment products and the applicable sales documents.
Please bear in mind that the value of a financial investment can fall as well as rise. Investors must therefore be ready and able to accept losses on their invested capital. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.
3. Sales restrictions
The information contained in this website is intended for investors only in countries/jurisdictions in which the funds have been approved for sale. The information is not intended for publication or use by persons or entities in a country where the funds are not permitted for sale. If documents are made available in English, this does not mean that a distribution licence has been granted or applied for. Further details are available on request.
4. Important notice for US persons
The contents of this website, particularly the published documents and the information contained within, are not permitted for distribution or sale in the USA. Accordingly, the investment funds mentioned on this website, in particular, are not on offer in the USA to US citizens or US residents.
5. Forecasts
This website may contain forecasts. Although such forecasts may represent the views and future expectations of Flossbach von Storch, actual developments and results may differ substantially from such expectations. Flossbach von Storch is under no obligation, and expressly excludes any such obligation, to update its forecasts or to change them, on the basis of either new information or future events, or for any other reason.
6. Information / Data
Flossbach von Storch regularly checks and updates the information on this website. Despite due care, however,
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The satisfaction of our investors, clients and prospective clients, is our paramount objective. It is therefore important for us to give you the opportunity to express your criticism.
If you are an investor in our funds, please refer to the information below summarized under “Investor Rights”.
If you are a client or potential client, please refer to the information below summarized under “Complaints Procedure”.
The satisfaction of our investors is our number one priority. It is therefore important for us to give them the opportunity to express criticism. For this reason, Flossbach von Storch Invest S.A. has established a complaints office that can be contacted by all our funds’ investors in the event that they wish to make a complaint or express criticism.
Investors may file a complaint in the respective official language(s) of their member state. They may communicate their issues or complaints by post or by email at the following address:
Postal address:
Flossbach von Storch Invest S.A.
- Beschwerdemanagement -
Complaint Management
2, rue Jean Monnet
L-2180 Luxembourg
For further information, please refer to the document "Investor complaints procedure".
Furthermore, you have the option of using the procedure for the out-of-court settlement of complaints with the Luxembourg financial supervisory authority Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (“CSSF”) (see also
Contact details:
Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier.
Département Juridique CC
283, route d'Arlon
L-2991 Luxembourg
Fax: 00352 26 251 601
Online Dispute Resolution Platform (EU)
For out-of-court dispute resolution of disputes in relation to online contracts, you can also refer the case to the online platform for dispute resolution of the European Union under
Be advised that the online platform will be discontinued from July 20, 2025. New complaints may only be submitted until March 20, 2025.
Further information may be found under the link. The contact details that shall be given for FvS Invest S.A. are:
The right to refer the case to a court is not affected by the dispute resolution procedure.
Collective legal redress
Investors with the status of consumers in Germany also have the possibility, under certain conditions, to participate in collective legal protection proceedings, such as model declaratory action pursuant to Section 41 of the German Consumer Rights Enforcement Act (Verbraucherrechtedurchsetzungsgesetz – VDuG) or in capital investor model proceedings pursuant to the Capital Investor Model Proceedings Act (Kapitalanleger-Musterverfahrensgesetz – KapMuG).
Additional information for investors of funds with a German ISIN:
To settle disputes with Flossbach von Storch Invest S.A., investors (consumers) of funds with a German ISIN also have the option of calling the "Ombudsstelle für Investmentfonds des BVI" (Ombudsman's Office for Investment Funds of the BVI (German Investment Funds Association)) as the competent consumer arbitration board. Disputes can be resolved here by an independent and neutral arbitrator within the framework of a dispute resolution procedure. Requests for arbitration should be sent in writing to:
Büro der Ombudsstelle des BVI
BVI Bundesverband Investment und Asset Management e.V.
Unter den Linden 42
D-10117 Berlin
Telephone: +49 030 6449046-0
Fax: +49 030 6449046-29
Consumers are natural persons who invest in funds for a purpose that cannot predominantly be attributed to their commercial or independent professional activity, i.e. who act for private purposes.
The satisfaction of our clients is our number one priority. Therefore, it is important for us to give each and every one the opportunity to express criticism. For this reason, Flossbach von Storch SE has set up a complaints management function which you can contact if you wish to make a complaint or express criticism.
You can send your complaints by post or email to the following address or to your respective client advisor:
Postal address: Flossbach von Storch SE
Bereich Compliance
Ottoplatz 1
50679 Köln
The processing of complaints is free of charge.
Flossbach von Storch SE is a member of the Bundesverband Investment und Asset Management
e.V. (BVI) and has undertaken to participate in dispute resolution proceedings organised by the
BVI ombudsman's office for investment funds.
The ombudsman's office can be contacted as follows for property law disputes arising from
financial services contracts:
Postal address: Büro der Ombudsstelle des BVI, Bundesverband Investment und Asset Management e.V.
Unter den Linden 42
10117 Berlin
Telephone: +49 030 6449046-0
Fax: +49 030 6449046-29
Further information can be found in the document Information on complaint management for customers and potential customers at www.flossbachvonstorch.d
Here you may find our current regulatory reports, e.g. the Disclosure according to the Investment Firms Regulation (IFR) or the Active Ownership Report.
Here you may find information on our strategies regarding the management of sustainability risks and potential or actual principal adverse impacts on sustainability.
Regulation (EU) 2019/2088 ("Disclosure Regulation" or "SFDR") requires financial market participants, including investment firms providing portfolio management services, UCITS management companies and alternative investment fund managers, to disclose information for increased transparency, including in relation to sustainability risk management strategies and potential or identified adverse sustainability impacts.
Through the fundamental approach of ESG integration, the group-wide defined exclusions and the consideration of sustainability risks, Flossbach von Storch SE fulfils the fiduciary duties in the best possible way to appropriately classify potential risks (and opportunities) of investment decisions.
ESG factors are considered in depth in the proprietary evaluation and assessed for opportunities and risks. Each of the three factors (E, S and G) is considered from the perspective of a long-term investor to ensure that none of the aspects lead to a potential conflict of interest of long-term value creation. Sustainability risks are environmental, social or governance events or conditions that, if they occurred, could have an actual or potential material adverse effect on the value of an investment. Sustainability risks can have a significant impact on other risk types, including, for example, general price risk, operational risk, liquidity risk, currency risk, and contribute as a factor to the materiality of these risk types.
The analysis process also includes the examination of reputational risks as well as climate-related physical risks and transition risks, which can have a direct and indirect impact on the value of a company. The following points, amongst others, can be named as exemplary standards with regard to the ongoing analysis of target investments:
Within the framework of the multi-level analysis, special attention is paid to good corporate governance with integrity, which is important for the sustainable development of the company. This increases a company's long-term prospects for success and can only be achieved by taking ecological as well as social factors into account. The following points, amongst others, can be named as exemplary standards:
The Flossbach von Storch Group takes into account the main adverse impacts of investment decisions on sustainability factors in accordance with Article 4 (1a) of the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR). The main adverse impacts are identified, prioritised and assessed as part of the in-house analysis process using specific ESG analyses, which are prepared individually for invested issuers/guarantors and accounted for in the risk/reward profile of the company analyses.
The principal adverse impact indicators (PAIs) are prioritised according to relevance, severity of negative impacts and data availability. The assessment is not based on rigid bandwidths or threshold values that companies must comply with or achieve; instead, attention is paid to a positive development in dealing with the PAI indicators.
As part of the participation policy, efforts are made to reduce particularly negative impacts, including in the indicators of greenhouse gas emissions Scope 1 & 2, energy consumption from non-renewable energy sources, and serious violations of the UN Global Compact Principles and OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises. This means that if one of the companies does not deal adequately with the indicators identified as particularly negative, this is addressed with the company and attempts are made to work towards a positive development.
If the management does not take the necessary steps for improvement to a sufficient extent, the voting right is exercised in this respect or the investment is sold.
In addition, exclusions, such as the manufacture and/or distribution of controversial weapons and the mining and/or distribution of coal, can contribute to a reduction or avoidance of individual adverse sustainability impacts.
Flossbach von Storch SE also supports the growing importance of sustainability in the financial sector. In order to emphasise the importance of the topic, the Flossbach von Storch Group observes the following recognised standards: Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI); BVI Bundesverband Investment und Asset Management e. V. (BVI); CDP. V. (BVI); and CDP. The standards are selected after individual consideration and the determination that they are in line with the in-house investment strategy.
As part of the in-house ESG analysis, care is taken to ensure that companies take a responsible approach to their environmental and social footprint. In the view of the Flossbach von Storch Group, this includes setting climate targets and complying with recognised international value standards. A particular focus is placed on the following standards, which are directly related to the focussed PAIs: UN Global Compact Principles & OECD Guidelines (PAIs 10 & 11) and Paris Climate Agreement (Table 1 PAIs 1-6, Table 2 PAI 4).
Detailed information on this can be found under Downloads.
In its activities as a financial advisor and portfolio manager with regard to the Flossbach von Storch private equity funds, Flossbach von Storch SE does not take any adverse effects on sustainability factors into account. This also applies to Flossbach von Storch's activities as a financial advisor to external private equity funds.
The data relevant to the target investments of the Flossbach von Storch private equity funds and external private equity funds, which must be used to determine and weight the adverse sustainability impacts, are currently not available on the market, or not available to a sufficient extent. As soon as the availability of data for the aforementioned target investments has improved, Flossbach von Storch intends to take the most important adverse impacts into account as part of its investment and investment advisory activities.
The Flossbach von Storch Group's strategies for incorporating sustainability risks are also incorporated into the company's internal organisational guidelines. The adherence to these guidelines is decisive for the evaluation of employee performance and thus has a significant influence on future salary development. In this respect, the remuneration policy is in line with the strategies for the inclusion of sustainability risks.
If a financial product is classified as an Article 8 product pursuant to the SFDR, relevant information about the environmental and social characteristics will be available from Downloads.
Status: 25/06/2024
We emphasize the importance of transparency and integrity. Our policies reflect our commitment to the highest standards in all areas of our business.